SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning

Internationalising the Curriculum (ITC)

Developing Students’ Inter-Cultural Competences

Engineers need intercultural competences too

Søren Jensen, Lecturer in Technology and Innovation, ITI (Institut for Teknologi og Innovation), TEK
On average the IDE section at TEK sends approximately 50% of a cohort of engineering students abroad for an exchange semester. This project aims at dealing with the 50% of the students who stay at home and how we can activate the incoming exchange students in the internationalisation of the home students. Moreover, we would like to develop a framework of progressive steps during the first 4 semesters where international understanding is incorporated in the courses and project work.

Here you can read Søren’s project action plan and see the steps we took to co-develop the project and its outcomes. The action plan supplements the video and provides concrete guidance on how to put such a project into practice.

Making a programme intercultural

Marianne Ankjær, Study Leader, Department of Design and Communication, HUM
The MSc in Web Communication will be open to international students from Sept 2017, and I want to ensure all students on the programme benefit from an internationalised curriculum so they can learn and study together well in mixed cultural groups.

Here you can read Marianne’s projects action plan and see the steps we took to co-develop the project and its outcomes. The action plan supplements the video and provides concrete guidance on how to put such a project into practice.

Student learning connecting Denmark and Norway

Hanne Kaae Kristensen, Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Research, SUND
We decided to address SDU’s internationalisation strategy by including an international, blended learning assignment by getting mixed groups of Danish and Norwegian students to appraise journal articles using Skype or Adobe Connect and Office 365.

Here you can read Hanne’s project action plan and see the steps we took to co-develop the project and its outcomes. The action plan supplements the video and provides concrete guidance on how to put such a project into practice.

Intercultural communication from Session 1

Carola Inzunza Pedersen, Assistant Lecturer, Oral Communication 2, Dept. of Language and Communication, HUM
I wanted to integrate activities to help the students develop and practice their intercultural communication competences across the course so they would be aware of its importance in business communication and be better prepared for the assessment which has an intercultural focus.

Here you can read Carola’s project action plan and see the steps we took to co-develop the project and its outcomes. The action plan supplements the video and provides concrete guidance on how to put such a project into practice.

Flipped Learning Approach to Intercultural Competences

Zheng Grace Ma, Associate Professor, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, Center for Energy Informatics
The Cross-Cultural Matters Course is developed in response to software industries saying they need employees (software engineers) to understand and be able to manage the cross-cultural environment. I wanted to find ways to make this meaningful for the students so they see the relevance for now and when they get jobs.’

Here you can read Zheng’s project action plan and see the steps we took to co-develop the project and its outcomes. The action plan supplements the video and provides concrete guidance on how to put such a project into practice.


Intercultural team-work for students and graduates

Donna-Marie Jørgensen, MSc IT Product Design student, HUM
“I strongly believe that it is essential for all to recognise that SDU graduates not only leave with a solid education, but also to possess the relevant new learning and an awareness of working with various cultures in an international setting. I saw this project as a way to address this need”. Donna-Marie

Robb Mitchell, Assistant Professor, Social Interaction Design, Department of Design, HUM
“To contribute, even in a small way, to friendly co-existence…perhaps it should go on tour”. Robb 

Here you can read Donna-Marie and Robb’s project action plan  and see the steps we took to co-develop the project and its outcomes. The action plan supplements the video and provides concrete guidance on how to put such a project into practice.

Learning through intercultural role-play

Anna Galej and Anna Osiecka (Masters students, SAMF and NAT), Caroline Pedersen (Bachelors student, NAT)
We wanted to develop our own intercultural competences so we can work well in intercultural groups and to co-develop a workshop to benefit other students.

Here you can read Anna, Anna and Caroline’s project action plan and see the steps we took to co-develop the project and its outcomes. The action plan supplements the video and provides concrete guidance on how to put such a project into practice.

Embedding ITC in all degree programmes

Hjørdis Albrektsen – Special Consultant, leader of the project ‘Internationalising Degree Programmes at SDU’
The international project led by Hjørdis is an example of SDU’s international strategy being put into practice, you can read more about SDU’s internationalisation strategy in the documents below. In recognition of the need for internationalisation at a pedagogic level, Hjørdis invited Donna and Anne to run the initial workshops for study leaders and teachers on internationalisation. This in turn led to the support for and the co-funding of the Developing Students’ International Competences Project.

SDU’s internationalisation strategy 2020 (only in Danish):

Supporting students’ international opportunities

Stefan Knudsen – Director International, SDU Student Services
Stefan explains the significance of the intercultural competences projects and how they align with SDU’s international strategy. In addition, he describes the role of the international department at SDU and how it supports both international students and home students wanting to study abroad You can read more about the international department’s work here

Co-developing ITC projects

Anne Skov Jensen and Donna Hurford – Educational Consultants and Project Leaders, SDU Centre for Teaching and Learning
Anne and Donna discuss the rationale for the International Competences project and how it provides a pedagogic context for SDU’s internationalisation strategy. They explain how the project was influenced by other universities’ internationalising the curriculum practices and consultation process they adopted throughout the project. They also signpost what can be found on the webpage and encourage further involvement in ITC at SDU.